The CrashHard Standalone Dummy Prop v1.0


The CrashHard Standalone Dummy.

This is a standalone crash test dummy prop for BeamNG Drive

- One standing dummy.

- One dummy that can sit down (using the keys: PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN)

- All new Jbeam for the dummy.

- The dummy can break into 9 parts now!

- Added a new structur for the arms and hips Joints (hopefully they will move better now)

- Added some more collision triangles, between the torso, pelvis and legs. (hopefully get less stuck)

- Moved the ref nodes onto the dummy body (The camera will follow the dummy now)

- Optional skin that removes the CrashHard Logo on the dummy torso.

- Have made some fixed for the dummy getting stuck in car hoods, made separate hoods, the part is under the parts menu of the car Hood Dummy Anti Clipping

Cars incuded so far: Bastion, Bluebuck, Pickup, Roamer, Van, Barstow, 200BX and Vivace. (More car hoods to be added as needed)



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