Hand Harvester for grapes and olives v1.0.0.0


A little and cheap vehicle for hand harvesting grapes, white grapes (grapeb) and olives. Enjoy!
i3D model and animations by Anonymous (some hungarian modder, didn't gave me a name), some textures and configurations by me.
Can unload on the ground, or in a shovel.



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Commented on 2023-04-13 11:17:40

I need this for COTTON

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Commented on 2023-04-13 12:18:43

Awesome idea .. not very productive ( i mean ..in a professional way this is very primitive, now wine producers have big automatic machines to harvest grapes and olives ) but for the fun of the game your mod is very cool...thanks for sharing.I am shocked how modders in farming sim can have so many cool ideas ( a mean the real modders like you ) not the fake editors that take Giants stuff and make some edits then release it..pathetic is that they are very proud of what they did ..sometimes their mods have errors even if they take Giants stuff that don't have errors. These are some lame people. Not your case man...your mod is very cool. Big like from me

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