Comments by brownthumb

<p>@Paul, i went back into game and tabbed to bale sales again, it put me outside between<br /> building and gravel road on west side about middle ways of barn. so i downloaded the update to see if...

<p>@Paul and Wrangler, thanks for the feedback, Wrangler the farmer is center top of map. the name will be there in next update, glad you all reminded me of the tab thru, i said i was old and forg...

<p>@David, sorry about animals, those are custom works that can't be sold as they are part of map and not store, same goes for sheds at farm.</p>

<p>tried to with original upload but it wouldn't upload, just sit there with no progression, will try again with next update.</p>

<p>what does log file say? if it shows a error or warning message let me know what it say's.</p>

<p>@Paul, i'm thinking that might be a save game problem, i had to move the whole trigger over<br /> to get the player out of barn, there was no separate map location point to move, check it in a...