Comments by brownthumb

<p>the liquid fertilizer won't work until i update again, forgot to change the filltype on trigger, <br /> sorry about that, the other one's are working. thanks for letting me know about that.</p>

<p>you are right about the traffic, but i don't know whats causing it , it's as if the collision <br /> on one or the other is a bit far reaching considering the distance between the cars and<br /...

<p>field 2 is near the dairy , you think i might have too many of those big flood lights around <br /> the dairy? i know for a fact that light will kill the fps rate. lol.. i created a light in e...

<p>yea i put the question about the ai on the editor's forum, that is a game wide problem. <br /> or bug if you will, i tried a beet harvester and after the sec swipe near road they went bk to n...

<p>we will see how that works out, i have fixed all the other stuff that's been mentioned and will have an update shortly.</p>

<p>@Paul, thanks for your comment, i think yours has told me what is wrong, it reminded me of something i read a while back in one of the forums, 1 have 22 mods in mod folder and have no problem, b...