Comments by brownthumb

<p>@Paul, yep that's the one, i had some small waterplanes in the map, have made one big <br>enough to cover the whole map now, so will upload again shortly.</p>

<p>yep i know. this one has been deleted so nothing will be changed in reupload title</p>

<p>@Paul, yep i see, i never set those myself, i just gave the game engine or store the location<br /> on where to put them when you start game, that was a big problem in fs17 i can't fix the<br /...

<p>i removed all the big flood lights, i do know that too much light will bog it down, that could have bn part of problem, also if something has a lot of volume and you get next to it it will caus...

<p>do yo mind if i upload a map with your train built into it?</p>

<p>What part is not working for you? I just sold a load of woodchips and a load of logs, with no problem.</p>